lack of light

That's about how it feels right now.
Some days I really do love being in France. But overall, it's been so hard. I have had to deal with stuff none of the other assistants have, and I'm just tired--I'm not used to fighting for everything I need, and I'm not sure I should just give up, and it leaves me worn out and uneasy. Right now it's just miserable. I'm homesick, I want to be with my family for Christmas, I feel like a failure for not loving France 100%. I know I need to relax--and that is why I am taking yoga, and it does help, but it's hard.
It always gets better.
It always gets better.
Maybe if you loved it 100% that would mean there is something wrong with your life in the US. Your US life is worth missing and hopefully that will make it all the more sweet when you return. Still, I understand being away from those you love at this time of year is really hard.
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