
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

y una mezcla de miel y cafe

Bacilos: Tabaco y Chanel


Perfect walking music. It's my first autumn in England and I love everything. I love the colors, I love the huge sky, I love the people I'm meeting, including you. You want to go to bed right away. This makes me horribly uncomfortable, so you tell me to get over myself, which makes me angry, and then we start laughing. You feed my yoghurt on cereal (you bring me boxes of cereal as a gift), you teach me how to dance. We dance almost every night. People watch us. We're meant to dance together, we're the perfect size for one another. And we're in love, which helps. In the afternoons we work on our dissertations. You are arrogant and I am stubborn, and you are one of the most loving people I have known, and you do not think there is anyone else like me in the world. What are we supposed to do, when you cannot forget your ex-fiancee? So we go out in the rain and I go home alone and you go home alone, and those days with all the sun and the bright blue sky and the red leaves on the Japanese maple merge with the sound of a violin on a track the next boy I love will think is tacky.

Un olor a tabaco y Chanel
me recuerda el olor de su piel
una mezcla de miel y cafe
me recuerda el sabor de sus besos...
y esto solo se vive una vez.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

the evening hanging like a dream

The Clientele: Saturday

Nothing inspires me to learn language like knowing someone I want to speak to. He is 6'2" (a whole foot taller than me) and beautiful. I don't know much besides this when I, in a tempest of uncharacteristic daring, give him my phone number in the student bar on a Friday afternoon. He calls on Saturday, the next Thursday we go out. We walk all over the little town, which is covered in lilacs now, and swing on the swings in a park. We hold hands when it gets dark. We sit at my kitchen table and have wine and chocolate. He kisses me. I kiss him. He asks if I want to have lunch the next day. I do. We do.

The surprise of touching a stranger's skin, so suddenly he is not a stranger but a fragile other and deserves my care. Something lit up in me, a slender green flame like a blade or a leaf.

And when I saw your eyes
What could I do, what could I say, my love?
Your kisses, they will hide away the stars.